
Our spring trip for 2025 is set and will feature a return to Spain as the highlight.  We are planning on spending some more time exploring the Netherlands at the beginning of the trip.  On this trip some friends are going to join us for their first European RV adventure, it should be fun sharing Spain with them.

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The old town gate in Lubeck.

Our Blog

Since retirement we have been traveling about 4 months a year.  Our plan was to travel a little more each year, but life has kept getting in the way.  We keep a daily blog of our activities.  We spend our days looking around where we are with Ton taking pictures.  In the evening while Ton is preparing dinner I attempt to write up the highlights of the day.  After dinner we select a couple of pictures to help illustrate what I have written.  Ton takes a lot of pictures every day and many are quite good.  Those we like that do not make the blog are set aside for a photo album we keep.

The problem with a daily blog is that some days are more interesting than others, but it does give an idea of the ebb and flow of travel.  Also, occasionally the blog does not get written because I am lazy, sick, or we are socializing with our neighbors.  I usually try to write it up the next day, but sometimes my impressions fade.

Our daily blogs since 2018 are at the tab at the top under archives.  


Since we started the blog we have traveled in the US, Canada and Europe by RV.  During those trips we have visited 21 US states, 1 Canadian Province, 1 Canadian Territory, and 11 European countries.  The summaries are included under destinations.

One of the things we enjoy about reading travel blogs is seeing other peoples experiences in places we are planning to visit.  For the US we have grouped our posts by states.  For Europe we have grouped the posts by major countries, and further subdivided those by regions.  So if you go to Destinations in the main menu and click you will see a post for Europe.  If you click on that you will see a post for various countries. If you click on that you will see a post for different regions in that country.

Our RV’s

We currently own two RV’s.  That was never our intent, but when looking at the best way to travel in Europe we decided to purchase a RV over there.  Our US RV was originally purchased with the intent of being capable of traveling outside the US.  For various reasons we decided to not send it to Europe, but have decided to keep it.  We have several posts about our RV’s including the decision making process for Scout our US RV, and François our European RV.

Photo Galleries

As I said above Ton takes the photos while we travel.  Generally we only use a few of the ones she takes in the daily blogs.  These photo albums are collections of other photos that we really like.  They are arranged by trips.  For now I have only included the ones from Europe and the Alaska Highway trip.  These are the most tedious thing to move from the old software to the new.  Depending on how long we are locked down I may move some more over in the future.

Travel Stories

Things happen while you travel.  Sometimes they are good, and sometimes they are challenging.  This section includes posts that we have selected from our travels that highlight some of the things we tend to talk about when we meet friends and fellow travelers.

Things We Have Learned

After years of travel we have gained some experience.  These are posts about things we have found useful.  It includes equipment, planning tools, and general other things that might prove useful to others.

3 thoughts on “Home”

  1. Can’t wait to read all about your travels.
    Recommended by Kathy Howe, of Worldwide Travelers.

    1. Hi Kristin thanks for reaching out. We recently spent some time with Kathy and Rick in Colorado. They are wonderful people and fun to be around. We are not the worldwide travelers they are, but have enjoyed North America and Europe.

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