About Us

About Us

We are Ron and Ton Corbin.  We have been avid travelers since we met while we were both traveling in Japan.  For the past six years we have been doing most of our traveling by RV in the US and Canada, first in  a Sprinter Van, and for the last four years in our Provan Tiger RV named Scout.  In 2018 we purchased a second RV that we keep in France, we will be traveling Europe in François the motorhome for the next few years.

Now fully retired we are preparing for the next phase of our travels by spending about half of our time on the road.  We will also continue to make short trips in the US between visits to Europe.

 At one of our favorite places Bryce Canyon National Park.
At the Colosseum in 2019.

Our Roles

Ton is the photographer, itinerary planner, cook, navigator, and driving coach.

Ron is the writer and driver of the truck.


This blog is primarily for our friends and family who want to track us as we move around.

Another reason we decided to do this blog is that when we began dreaming of doing this we found other blogs to be helpful in both determining what was possible, and in making decisions about what to do.  We hope that this will help others in the same way.

We are not particularly handy or technical so we will not be talking much about detailed technical things.  However, we will share some of the issues that come up and how we overcame them.

2 thoughts on “About Us”

  1. Hello guys! We just met you at the campingplatz Oderstrom. It was such a pleasure connecting with you guys. We sure did enjoy our evening. I hope we can reconnect.

    1. Hi Stephanie and Perry.
      We also enjoyed meeting you. It was fun talking and hearing about your travels. I hope you make many more trips here. Please keep in contact.

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