October 24, 2024 Bad Felinbach GE

The drive today started in heavy fog as we left the campground in Vallach, and ended in heavy fog when we arrived at Bad Felinbach. But for about an hour in between the fog banks the weather was superb.

Entering a tunnel on the Austrian autobahn on the foggy/cloudy part of the drive.

The Austrian autobahn is very nice, but the stretch we were driving on was undergoing a lot of repair or expansion work. So we would speed up to about 98 kilometers (the real speed limit is 110, but I have adopted a self imposed speed limit of 98.), but then have to slow down for construction to speed limits of either 80 or 60 kph. About 25% of the drive in Austria today was in construction zones.

Because we were driving slower on the autobahn Ton was able to get a lot of nice windshield shots.

Along the way there was a long tunnel of 8 kilometers (5 miles) thru a large mountain when we went in one side it was foggy, when we came out the other it was sunny.

This castle was located at the entrance to a narrow river gorge near Salzburg Austria.

There was a stretch where we admired a mountain range with several tower like peaks. They really caught Tons imagination. There was peak in the center that was shaped like a tower that Ton said she imagined was the home to an Austrian god like Zeus.

Ton was captivated by this mountain. The tower like rock in the left center really captured her imagination.

We have visited Salzburg before and while we were tempted to stop for the day we ultimately decided to press on and get a little closer to Munich. We ended up stopping in Bad Felinbach in southern Bavaria which has a nice campground. Any town with Bad in its name means it has thermal baths. We are not bath people so we decided to just relax and have a short walk near the campground after we settled in.

Looking across the pastures to a small village near our campground.

Tomorrow is going to be a long driving day as we are going to try to push all the way on to Frankfurt.

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